Psychology Preparation
Psychology Department- Preparation Work
Task 1 - Reading
At the start of the course you will study the following topics:
- Social Influence (Conformity & Obedience)
- Memory (Multi-Store Model of Memory & Working Model of Memory)
- Attachments (Harlow’s Study of Monkeys and Lorenz’s Geese)
- Abnormal Psychology (Cognitive explantion of Depression & Behavioural explantion of OCD)
For each of the topics, try to find out some key studies and theories.
Some helpful website could be:
- Simply Psychology
- Tutor2u.
- Youtube has plenty of webinars etc.
Task 2 – Research Methods
Studying how we do research is essential to psychology so we can assess the quality of research and conduct our own studies.
Psychologist use a number of research methods. See if you can find out a little about each of the methods below including a strength and a weakness.
Lab Experiment, Field Experiment, Observation, Case study, Questionnaire and an Interview,
Task 3 – Key terms
Completing a Glossary of terms to help you get a good start to your course.
Conformity |
Compliance |
Internalisation |
Normative Influence |
Informational influence |
Social Role |
Deindividuation |
Dehumanisation |
Social Norm |
Obedience |
Agentic State |
Authority figure |
Legitimacy |
Authoritarian personality |
Fascism |
Social Support |
Locus of control |
Minority influence |
Social Change |
Heroic individualism |
Augmentation principle |
Capacity in memory |
Duration in memory |
Coding in memory |
Sensory memory store |
Episodic memory |
Semantic memory |
Procedural memory |
Retroactive interference |
Proactive interference |
State dependent cues |
Context-dependent cues |
Leading question |
Eye witness testimony |
Weapons focus effect |
Attachment |
Maternal Deprivation |
Imprinting |
Classical conditioning |
Operant conditioning |
Monotropy |
Critical period |
The strange situation test |
Secure attachment |
Insecure avoidant attachment |
Insecure resistant attachment |
Delinquency |
Affectionless psychopath |
Disinhibited attachment |