Statutory Information
Every school and academy must publish specific information on its website.
Please find links below to the relevant information.
Please CLICK HERE for the link to view the The Westwood Academy Form Financial Benchmarking website page.
school contact information including trust contact details
Admission Arrangements
The Westwood Academy Admissions Policy 2024-2025
The Westwood Academy Admissions Policy 2025-2026
The Westwood Academy Admissions Policy 2026-2027
Appeal process regarding the outcome of a school placement
coventry city council - how to make a school appeal
Exam Results
KS4 - Progress 8, percentage entering EBAC, Attainment in English and Maths and Attainment 8 score
KS4 - Pupil destinations
KS5 - Progress, attainment retention.
KS5 - Pupil destinations
behaviour policy - see school policies page
pupil premium and year 7 catch upspecial educational needs and disability
careers programme informationcomplaints policy - KMAT complaints Policy
Annual Reports and Accounts:
kmat financial information statementsNames of charity trustees
names of charity membersinformation about the Westwood Academy's governing body
executive paycharging and remissions policy - kmatvision and ethos
values of the westwood academy
article of association (see kmat policies)
request for copies (on contact us page)