The Westwood Academy

Reporting and Assessment

At The Westwood Academy we want pupils to take pride in their success and to share with us their interests and achievements out of school.  We have an e-rewards points system where teachers award positive points for good work and effort, which lead to termly prizes and reward badges, once a year there is also an Awards Ceremony for our very best achievers.  More information on our rewards system can be found in our Behaviour Policy.

We report to parents every term with information on pupil progress against their target grades and their attitude to learning.  In KS4 and 5 we also provide information on predicted final grades.  We also keep parents updated on pupils’ attendance data throughout the year.

There are annual parents’ evenings providing an opportunity for face to face conversations with staff as well as an early ‘Settling in Evening’ for the new year 7 intake in the Autumn term. We also use an online system called ‘My Child at School’, which allows parents to see how their children are doing during the school day; for example, parents can check whether pupils have attended lessons or have been awarded positive or negative conduct points.


We use an online system for informing parents about homework, this system is called ‘Satchel:One’ and is a simple system to use.  All homework will be displayed on Satchel:One in will include a range of tasks to ensure homework is accessible for all pupils. Homework is important to help pupils establish good patterns of independent which will support them when preparing for their final examinations.  More information about home study can be found in our home work policy.