The Westwood Academy

Values of The Westwood Academy

The core values of The Westwood Academy reflect the way in which we develop our students. The core values link with our Trust strapline of ‘Aspiring to Excellence Through Quality, Ambition and Independence’, while being aligned with our Westwood Way. In living the values, students are ambitious in their learning and know that hard work is rewarded. They are resilient and have the ability to, not only bounce back from adversity, but bounce forward, to be kind in how they interact with others and themselves by accepting all that is on offer in and outside of school. They are reflective in their studies, seeking how to improve, both academically and personally, and are respectful in all they do, even when nobody is watching. We believe this represents true integrity. We build on all positive achievements to promote our core values and look forward to seeing these being demonstrated by all students in our community. Our values will be linked to our rewards system, and we welcome ideas from students about what rewards they would like to see in school, in addition to what is already in place.

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We expect all students to be proud of wearing their badge on their blazer representing the values of this school and knowing that this is a place where better never stops.