The Westwood Academy

Reading at Westwood

Here at The Westwood Academy, we believe that reading is paramount. Of course, reading aids academic success, but it also supports students' mental health, wellbeing and literacy levels. Here are some of the opportunities on offer to promote reading at The Westwood Academy:

  • Westwood's Word of the Week- Each week there is a different word shared with the students in mentor time and displayed around the school to enhance their vocabulary. (Please see link below)
  • PSHE Reading Extracts- In mentor time, KS3 students are exposed to a variety of extracts linked to the awareness days the school are celebrating. Some mentors choose to read the extracts to their mentor group, whilst others read independently. At KS5, students have one mentor time a week allocated to reading a book, article or journal of their choice. 
  • KS3 Reading and Library Lessons- In English, students get the opportunity to develop their active reading skills, either through a class reader or a book of their choice. Classes also get the opportunity to access the school library, either in lessons or after-school, to ensure our avid readers are satisfied.
  • English Curriculum- The curriculum in English has been updated, at KS3, to ensure students are exposed to relevant, diverse and exciting literature. A particular favourite is Malorie Blackman's 'Noughts and Crosses'.
  • Reading and Literacy Support-  We understand that Reading and Literacy is the key to success. As a result, we have a number of interventions in place to ensure students receive adequate support to fulfil their potential. Students are tested and then allocated interventions, where required. Some students use MyLexia, a computer-based programme and others partake in small-group focused on comprehension or phonics ('Abigail Steel' scheme)
  • SPARX Reader- This year, we have introduced SPARX reader (at KS3) to promote a love of reading outside of the classroom. The platform provides a range of texts, recommended based on students reading ability. (Please see link below)
  • Peer Reading Scheme- This term, Year 7 students have the opportunity to read on a one-to-one basis with out Sixth Form students to promote a love of reading and improve the students' confidence when reading aloud. 
  • EEF Reading at Secondary- Finally, here at Westwood we understand that promoting reading at secondary school stems from all curriculum areas, not just English. As a result, our staff team has received training based on the EEF framework for teaching disciplinary literacy, decoding vocabulary and active reading.
  • Reading Lists- We understand that the best way to promote a love of reading is to provide students with as many opportunities as possible. To help you support your children at home, please find KS3 and KS4 reading lists below. 
  • Reading is taught in combination with writing at Westwood and continues to be a focus this academic year (see staff CPD session below)

Word Of The Week 2024 - 2025.pdf


Please use the link below to access SPARX reader which includes a variety of titles, suitable for children on all abilities.  

Access is available to all students, but it is compulsory for KS3 students for their English homework. Please use 'microsoft' to login, using the students' school email.

Please click the link below:  

Sparx reader


For more information or support please contact:


The westwood academy Forum Writing 29.1.25

Westwood Reading Strategy


Title Date  
Transition Reading List Year 6 into 7 TWA 18th Jul 2024 Download
Year 10 and 11 Reading List TWA 18th Jul 2024 Download
Year 78 and 9 Reading List TWA 18th Jul 2024 Download