Maths and Further Maths
In order to make the start of you A-Level Maths or Further Maths course as smooth as possible, you will need to be confident of the algebra, numeracy and trigonometry skills used in higher GCSE. Therefore, you are required to complete this booklet before starting your course in September. There shouldn’t be new material here, but if you do need to refresh your knowledge of any of the topics you should look at your class notes or the relevant websites attached to each topic. Your work will need to be handed in to your teacher in your first Maths/Further Maths lesson. Note that the extension questions are only compulsory for the Further Maths students.
Additionally, if you have used Mymaths before, you should also visit the Bridging from GCSE section ( Ask your teacher if you have forgotten the login details. Also, we recommend you look at the CGP Head Start to Maths book ( Both of these resources cover all of the topics used in this workbook.