The Westwood Academy

Graphics A level Preparation

Graphic Communication: Preparation for A level study

Please see accompanying PowerPoints for visual prompts.


Use your eyes –  see your environment

You are challenged to see shapes in the spaces you inhabit every day but may never have noticed before. The role of any designer is to make our spaces more functional, more aesthetically pleasing and to inspire thought and creation.

Your task is to create the alphabet by taking photographs of items in your house. See the examples in the accompanying PowerPoint. You will learn to look at your surroundings in a different way and learn to use your camera to record.



Illustrated Typography

Typography is text that is designed to fit its purpose. It could be bold and simple as it needs to be read clearly, or it could be highly decorative to show its uniqueness. Your task is create your own illustrated typography so the word visually communicates its meaning.

You should aim to illustrate at least 5 words. Use a range of techniques to create the words – see the PowerPoint for ideas and examples.



A record of TIME

During the A-level graphics course one of the main ways in which we create visuals is through photography. It’s an important skill to develop so here is your challenge:

Visually record the idea of TIME using photography.

See the examples provided of artists who explore this theme and see if you can think of a new way to show time. Consider how things change over time and what you have in your environment that can be documented to show this.



Creative Collage

‘Collage’ is defined as a piece of art made by sticking various different materials such as photographs and pieces of paper or fabric on to a backing.

The artist Jon Measures creates collages using images of architecture and recognisable land marks.

  • Your task is to create two collages in his style using photographs or images you can find in your home. One should show a starburst shape, the other like a horizon line
  • Once you have created responses to Measures’ work, create a new collage using a wider range of materials that suits a personal interest. It could be a fashion ad background or the background to a book cover. This is up to you!

Use the PowerPoint for ideas and inspiration.



Effective Evaluating

25% of the A level is the ability to evaluate the work of artists and apply this understanding to your own work. We have developed a writing format that if followed correctly, will allow you to meet the criteria effectively, however, this does take practise.

In order to practise and get fluent using artistic language, you need to write a detailed evaluation of an artist that explores the idea of TIME, as previously studied. You can choose one of the example artists or try to find your own. (password is ‘imagine’) is a good site to search artists, but you can just use google.

Use the (Evaluating Art Work) sheet as a guide, this is on the PowerPoint.



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Graphics Year A level transition work 03rd Feb 2025 Download