The Westwood Academy

Food Technology

KS3 Design & Technology Curriculum Plan 2019 – 2021



KS3 Food Technology

What will I learn and what skills will I gain?




























The Westwood Academy curriculum for Food Technology aims to ensure that all pupils:


1. Understand and follow health and safety rules and standard procedures for food practical lessons to ensure that the food room is a clean, safe and enjoyable environment to work in.


2. Learn how to use, and demonstrate safe use of, a number of key pieces of equipment in the kitchen, including the hob and oven.


3. Learn basic techniques used to prepare and make a range of products, including accurate weighing, cutting techniques, rubbing-in etc.


4. Learn how to follow a recipe and understand the importance of working methodically.


5. Learn how to modify a recipe to make it more suitable for individual tastes and dietary needs.


6. Evaluate food products using the five senses and consider improvements.


7. Understand basic healthy eating principles: Lowering Sugar and salt intake and how to eat a balanced diet using knowledge gained from The Eat well Plate.


As part of their work with food, pupils will learn how to cook and apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating. Instilling a love of cooking in pupils will also open a door to one of the great expressions of human creativity. Learning how to cook is a crucial life skill that enables pupils to feed themselves and others affordably, now and in later life.

Year 7

The main aim of the Year 7 scheme of work is to enable pupils to develop basic culinary skills, including safe knife skills balanced with a good understanding of nutrition and healthy eating principles using The Eat well Plate. Pupils will build confidence and work safely and hygienically in the kitchen, to design, prepare and make a range of predominately-savoury well-balanced food products.

Year 8

Pupils recall principles of H&S, Food Safety and the Eat well Plate (building onYear 7 knowledge) and expanding knowledge of Macronutrients


Year 9 - How will work be assessed?

By the end of Key Stage 3, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the programme of study. All work is regularly and systematically assessed against the new grade boundaries of 1-9. Pupils will be expected to show progression through the grades, being assessed against descriptive criteria throughout KS3 and into KS4.


Expectations of home-learning

Home Learning will be issued in line with school policy. Pupils can access a Home Learning Takeaway Menu through SMHW, which will include differentiated tasks. When homework is set, pupils will be able to choose from a range of tasks, completing ones relevant to at least their target level. The Home Learning Takeaway Menu also has a range of ‘Side Orders’ which are additional Stretch and Challenge tasks for pupils to complete, these are pieces of homework that can be accessed at home or set by the Teacher in Lessons. Pupils who complete the ‘Side Orders’ will be rewarded with Achievement points.

Extra-Curricular activities include:

Afterschool cooking club and Warwick Volunteers ‘Bake it up’ Afterschool Club (Fully funded by

Warwick University)


We promote fundamental British values and pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through:

Design & technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. They acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art.

Pupils learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. High-quality design and technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation.

Pupils have opportunities to improve skills in communication, numeracy and literacy by:


•          Pupils will use mathematics when ensuring the accurate weighing of ingredients, measuring of food product components (e.g. thickness of pastry when rolled out), and timing cooking processes.

•          Pupils will also develop research and analysis skills through the completion of homework tasks.


Communication and Literacy

  • Pupils will be encouraged to communicate effectively throughout the unit, both verbally when interacting with peers and adults in lesson, and written when completing classwork and homework to ensure it is clear, detailed and well presented.
  • Use of ICT will be encouraged where possible.
  • Pupils will be presented with opportunities to develop reading skills through Power Points, worksheets, recipes, and homework resources


  • Writing skills will be developed through the completion of classwork and homework tasks, such as written practical evaluations, and methods as per the School’s Literacy policy.
  • A Spelling test containing Key words.



This is an exciting course, new in 2016 from Eduqas (WJEC) offering a level 1 / 2 qualification in Hospitality and Catering. Learners will gain an overview of the hospitality and catering industry and the type of job roles that may be available to assist them in making choices about progression. It will also equip learners with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to cook and prepare food, allowing the students to apply the principles of nutrition, sustainability and healthy eating.

Following this qualification will encourage learners to cook and enable them to make informed decisions about food, nutrition and budgeting to allow them to be able to feed themselves and others affordably and nutritiously, now and in later life. It will also allow students to explore sustainability issues related to food issues, including seasonality, food miles and availability, Fairtrade and freedom foods.

The course will be made up of the following Modules;

• Hospitality in catering, you will investigate and learn how the hospitality service operates, learn about the environment in which operators work and visit local hotels to help visualise the services offered.

• Investigate food hygiene, including completing a basic food hygiene qualification.

• Principles of nutrition, diet and good health. You will be looking at the role of the main nutrients in the diet, their sources, function and deficiency disease.

• Where food comes from and food related sustainability issues.

• Cooking and food preparation



Eduqas WJEC Hospitality & Catering Level 1/2

Unit 1; the Hospitality and Catering Industry. External assessment;

Written examination 90 minutes. 40% of qualification. Unit 2; Hospitality and Catering in Action.

Internal assessment, External modification; Non Examination assessment. Research, prepare, cook and present 2 dishes for a chosen brief.

9 hours (including 4 hour practical assessment)

60% of qualification.

This specification has been designed to enable The Westwood Academy to concentrate on innovative delivery of the course whilst creating a balance between practical and theoretical knowledge and understanding.


Successful completion of this qualification could support entry to qualifications that develop specific skills for work in hospitality and catering and can also lead to careers in Environmental Health, Childcare, Dietician and Nutrition, Food Industry Nutritionist and New Product Development.