Leadership Team & Key Contacts


Leadership Team  
Name                     Job Title
Mr H Abbott CEO
Ms H Lawrence Head of School
Mrs D Talbot Deputy Headteacher
Mr M Holdforth Assistant Head of School - Curriculum
Miss J Finlayson Assistant Head of School - Data
Ms R James Assistant Head of School - Inclusion
Mr M Stephenson Assistant Head of School - Behaviour
SENCO Team  
Name Job Title
Ms R James SENCO
Miss R Rounce SENCO
Pastoral Team  
Name                         Job Title
Mr B Pateman   Director of Post 16 Studies
Miss H Nolan  Year 7 APPL (Academic and Pastoral Pupil Lead)
Miss C Ross Year 8 APPL
Mr R Northwood Year 9 APPL
Mrs T Riaz Year 10 APPL
Miss L Ellis Year 11 APPL