The Governing Body
The Kenilworth Multi Academy Trust (KMAT) is proud of our schools, which provide an excellent all-round education, giving all young people the confidence to be successful and make progress.
Learning is at the heart of the KMAT and our curriculum provision will be personalised, inclusive and adapted to meet the needs of all learners. All pupils will do well, irrespective of their prior attainment and socio-economic profile.
The curriculum and co-curriculum provision will stimulate a passion for independent learning and the development of broader life skills, as well as embracing academic skills. All pupils will be supported, and their differences will be recognised, respected and valued.
Pupils will be encouraged to reflect on issues that are important to them and to articulate their opinions and to use all learning opportunities to become more reflective, resilient and resourceful in coping with the ever-changing pressures on them.
Our schools are at the heart of their communities, serving the needs of young people living in their localities and acting as a hub for the benefit of the community.
As the KMAT we will use the strengths and expertise throughout our schools to provide excellent CPD opportunities for all staff leading to sustained improvement in student outcomes across the Trust. We will build on nationally awarded accreditations within our schools (Teaching School, School Direct, World Class School, Quality Inclusion Mark, National Support School, National Leader of Education and National Leader of Governance) to develop and integrate system leadership and school improvement within and beyond the KMAT.
The KMAT is committed to embedding system leadership and school improvement in all of our schools and will want to be we have the right vision and ethos to bring about positive outcomes for all pupils when we consider our expansion plans.
The KMAT Trustee Board has decided that the governance of The Westwood Academy will sit with Trustees on a temporary basis to drive and monitor our rapid action plan. Once the Board of Trustees believe that the Interim Advisory Board is no longer necessary and rapid improvements are being embedded, former local governance arrangements will be re-instated. We believe that this is the most effective way of ensuring that the swift progress required is both delivered and sustainable. We have established an Academy Advisory Board comprising the following members:
Sue Casey - Chair (experienced chair of governors and former National Leader of Governance)
Sarah Newton - Vice chair and member of the KMAT Trustee Board
Sarah Hatch - Head, The Westwood Academy
Julia Kenny - Safeguarding link governor (experienced chair of governors and former National Leader of Governance)
Jane Le Poidevin - Careers Advice and Guidance link governor and member of the KMAT Trustee Board (resigned 6/1/25)
Sandi McKinnon - SEND link governor and member of the KMAT Trustee Board
David Wheatley - member of the KMAT Trustee Board
Others who attend:
Hayden Abbott - CEO of KMAT and member of the KMAT Trustee Board
Kerrie Flippance - Governance Professional
How to contact the Chair of the Academy Advisory Board
If you need to contact the Chair of the Academy Advisory Board please do so by writing to:
Mrs Susan Casey
Chair of the Academy Advisory Board
The Westwood Academy
Mitchell Avenue
Coventry. CV4 8DY
Or e-mail: and mark you e-mail For the Attention of the Chair of the Academy Advisory Board in the subject field
Letter to all parents from Chair of KMAT Board September-2024
If you would like to contact the Chair of the KMAT Board of Trustees please address your letter to:
Malcolm Graham
Kenilworth School
Glasshouse Lane